Over the Hill

You can decorate this cake different ways or put it on a larger cake.

Spiderman Cake

This again is two cakes on top of each other. You can order just the spiderman cake, which serves around 12-15.

Snowman Cake

This is one of the many faculty cakes I make for our school. Every month is a new theme. This size cake feeds 60 people.

Baby Shower Cake

You can order just the carriage and again you can customize the colors to your shower.

Superman Cake

The Superman symbol sits on top of the round cake.

Firemen Symbol

This was made for a wedding as the groom's cake. The symbols on the patch were done by hand.

Princess Cake

I can make it with different dolls and different dress styles. Can be customed to what you would like.

Baseball Cake

I made this for one of the local baseball teams.

Teddy Bear Cake

This is ideal for a 1st Birthday.
I also make a smaller bear for them to smash!

Monster Truck Pull-Apart

This is a pull-apart cupcake cake. Some people find this easier, the kids can just grab what they want.

Soccer Cake

The soccer ball could be designed as another ball (i.e. baseball, basketball).